[25.02.2025] Master-Bachelorarbeit/Praktikum bei AGES
[25.02.2025] Master-Bachelorarbeit/Praktikum bei AGES
Nachweis der Tierart in Futtermitteln mittels LC-MS/MS
Tierische Lebens- und Futtermittel zählen zu den am häufigsten verfälschten Produkten, in Europa werden immer mehr „Food Fraud“ Fälle im RASFF (Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed) gemeldet. Authentizitätsprüfungen bieten die Möglichkeit Täuschungen und Verfälschungen bei
verschiedenen Produkten aufzudecken, um dadurch Verbraucher:innen besser schützen zu können. Besonders die Massenspektrometrie hat in den letzten Jahren an Bedeutung gewonnen, vor allem aufgrund der hohen Sensivität und Selekvität. Auf Basis einer Vornorm soll eine Screening Methode etabliert werden, um Tierarten in Futtermitteln bestmmen zu können.
Ziel der Arbeit: Entwicklung einer Screening-Methode zum Nachweis von Tierarten in Futtermitteln mittels targeted LC-MS/MS
- Praktische Erfahrung in chromatographischen Methoden (z.B. HPLC mit UV Detektion)
- Kenntnisse in Massenspektrometrie
- Erfahrung im Bereich Proteomics und entsprechender Software (z.B. Skyline) von Vorteil
Start: ab November 2025 Kontakt: Dr. Stefano D’Amico (Email: stefano.d-amico@ages.at)
Dauer: 6 Monate, 32h/Woche Verdienst: ca. 1400€ (Brutto)
Standort: AGES, Spargelfeldstrasse 191 in 1220 Wien
Da wir ein FFG-Praktikum für Studentinnen anstreben, richtet sich diese Ausschreibung an weibliche Studierende. Weitere Informationen siehe
auch: https://www.ffg.at/studentinnenpraktika
[25.02.2025] Masterdefensio Stefanus Tanoto
[25.02.2025] Masterdefensio Stefanus Tanoto
We congratulate Stefanus Tanoto on successfully completing his Master's degree.
[18.02.2025] Masterdefensio Moritz Gaupp
[18.02.2025] Masterdefensio Moritz Gaupp
We congratulate Moritz Gaupp on successfully completing his Master's degree.
[17.12.2024] Congratulations on the DosChem Award
[17.12.2024] Congratulations on the DosChem Award
We are pleased to finally announce that for the Call (01.10.2024), Magdalena Osowiecka and El Mehdi Raoui projects will be funded by DoSChem within the International Exchange Programme.
further Details you will find here
[16.12.2024] PhD Defensio Sterneder Sonja
[16.12.2024] PhD Defensio Sterneder Sonja
We congratulate Ms. Sonja Sterneder on the successful completion of her doctoral studies.
[16.12.2024] Masterdefensio Rogozinski Julia
[16.12.2024] Masterdefensio Rogozinski Julia
We congratulate Julia Rogozinski on successfully completing her Master's degree.
[04.11.2024] Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Marc Pignitter
[04.11.2024] Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Marc Pignitter
We congratulate our Head, Prof. Dr Marc Pignitter, on his full professorship in Analytical Chemistry and Food Development at the University of Vienna, Faculty of Chemistry.
[25.10.2024] Masterdefensio Krivda Daniela
[25.10.2024] Masterdefensio Krivda Daniela
We congratulate Daniela Krivda on successfully completing her Master's degree.
Pictured here together with her supervisor Magdalen Osowiecka.
[04.10.2024] Weurman 2024 Student Poster Award
[04.10.2024] Weurman 2024 Student Poster Award
We congratulate Markus Rechl on winning 3rd place in the Weurman 2024 Student Poster Award for his poster entitled: “Chronic exposure to sucrose increases permeability independent of TAS1R3 in in vitro models of the intestinal barrier function”, which he presented on 25.9.24.
The 17th International Weurman Flavor Research Symposium took place from 24-27.9.2024 in Wageningen, Netherlands.
[30.09.2024] GÖCH Promotion prize for chemistry 2024
[30.09.2024] GÖCH Promotion prize for chemistry 2024
We congratulate Verena Rohringer on her GÖCH Promotion prize for chemistry 2024 for her Master's thesis, which took place in our working group under the direction of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marc Pignitter and her supervisor Arturo Auñon-Lopez.
The award ceremony took place on 23.09.2024 during the Austrian Chemists' Days, organized by GÖCH, at Graz University of Technology.
[23.09.2024] World's Top 2% Scientists
[23.09.2024] World's Top 2% Scientists
We are proud to announce that Dr. Milad Hadidi, from our institute, has been recognized among the top 2% of scientists worldwide, as acknowledged by Stanford University and Elsevier. This prestigious recognition highlights their outstanding contributions to Food Science, pushing the boundaries of knowledge and making a global impact.
[19.09.2024] Guest lecture on 07.10.2024
[19.09.2024] Guest lecture on 07.10.2024
Sigfredo Fuentes & Claudia Gonzalez Viejo; "New and emerging technologies for Digital Agriculture and Food Applications for Earth and Space"
The Department of Physiological Chemistry invites to a guest lecture by A/Prof. Dr. Sigfredo Fuentes and Claudia Gonzalez Viejo, Ph.D., Digital Agriculture, Food and Wine, Centre of Excellence in Plants for Space, School of Agriculture, Food and Ecosystem Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Melbourne, Australia.
[10.07.2024] PhD Defensio Preinfalk Verena
[10.07.2024] PhD Defensio Preinfalk Verena
We congratulate Ms. Verena Preinfalk on her successful PhD defense.
[27.06.2024] Defensio Meusburger Lukas
[27.06.2024] Defensio Meusburger Lukas
We congratulate Lukas Meusburger on his successful Master's degree.
[26.06.2024] REGAL Start-up Pitch 2024
[26.06.2024] REGAL Start-up Pitch 2024
Lipid Legends Triumphs at REGAL Start-up Pitch 2024!
We are thrilled to announce that Lipid Legends, the innovative spin-off from the Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Vienna, co-founded by Marc Pignitter from the Institute of Physiological Chemistry, has emerged as the winner of the prestigious REGAL Start-up Pitch 2024 at this year's industry meeting of the food trade! Lipid Legends captivated the judges and audience with their groundbreaking method for producing cold-pressed flaxseed oil with significantly enhanced storage stability, achieved without the use of external antioxidants or stabilizers.
Winning this competition secures Lipid Legends media credits worth €30,000 from REGAL and Pro7Sat1Puls4, providing a significant boost to their business. This recognition underscores the immense technological and economic potential of their innovation. The method not only enhances product quality and shelf life but also supports sustainability by utilizing bioactive compounds from the by-products of oil production.
This victory is a testament to the hard work and vision of the Lipid Legends team, promising a brighter future for the food industry through their sustainable and innovative approach. Congratulations to Lipid Legends for their outstanding achievement!
[12.06.2024] Master Thesis Opportunity
[29.05.2024] DosChem International Exchange Programme award
[29.05.2024] DosChem International Exchange Programme award
We congratulate Tobias Pointner on receiving the DosChem International Exchange Programme award 2024.
[24.05.2024] The Long Night of Research 2024
© Marko Kovic
[24.05.2024] The Long Night of Research 2024
The "Chemistry of Good Taste" organised by the Institute of Physiological Chemistry attracted many visitors.
[15.05.2024] Optimised cooking oil combines more flavour and health
[15.05.2024] Optimised cooking oil combines more flavour and health
As part of a study, Marc Pignitter and his colleagues have developed a new pressing method for vegetable oils that contains more antioxidants thanks to a double pressing process, making it significantly more stable and longer-lasting. The oil also tastes much better as a result.
You can find the detailed article (in German) here: Schrödingerskatze.at
[14.05.2024] Student Travel Grant award AOCS, Québec, Canada
[14.05.2024] Student Travel Grant award AOCS, Québec, Canada
We congratulate Tobias Pointer. He received the Student Travel award from the Division Lipid Oxidation and Quality AOCS (28th April - 1sts May 2024), which took place in Montréal (Québec, Canada).
[13.05.2024] AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo
[13.05.2024] AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo
Our participants at the AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo in Montreal from 27.4.-1.5.24.
from left to right Magdalena Osowiecka, Tobias Pointner, Marc Pignitter and Arturo Auñon-Lopez
[03.05.2024] Study participants wanted
[03.05.2024] Pint of Science Festival 2024
[03.05.2024] Pint of Science Festival 2024
Pint of Science is an international science festival in which researchers share their latest findings with the general public in a cosy pub. Pint of Science takes scientists out of their laboratories and brings them to cosy local pubs. There, the research work can be explained, the latest results presented and their social dimensions discussed. The event series creates a basis for dialogue and makes science accessible. The festival takes place annually on three evenings in May, this year on 13, 14 and 15 May - all over the world.
Our researcher Marlies Gaider will also give a talk (in German) on 13 May 2024 at 7 pm:
"Eine Reise durch die Welt der Süße"
Place: Cafe Inspection, Theobaldgasse 10,1060 Wien
Sweetness - an irresistible pleasure. But nowadays, chocolate, cakes and soft drinks present us with serious challenges such as overweight and obesity. Sweeteners offer a sugar-reduced alternative, while retaining the sweet flavour. But their influence on our cells remains the subject of intense scientific debate. Can we utilise secondary plant substances with health-promoting properties? And how do our intestinal receptors react to them? Join me on a journey through the world of sweetness, where science and flavour meet.
[29.04.2024] Study participants wanted
[27.04.2024] DoSChem Retreat Szidonia
[27.04.2024] DoSChem Retreat Szidonia
Our participants from the DoSChem retreat in Szidonia Hungary from 24th -26th April 2024.
[19.04.2024] Masterdefensio
[19.04.2024] Masterdefensio
We congratulate Clemens Högendorfer on his successful Master's degree.
[19.04.2024] Masterdefensio
[19.04.2024] Masterdefensio
We congratulate Kevin Doppelmayer on his successful Master's degree.
[05.04.2024] Food Chemistry Days 2024
[05.04.2024] Food Chemistry Days 2024
Our participants at the Food Chemistry Days 2024.from left to right: Tobias Pointner, Arturo Auñon-Lopez, Magdalena Osowiecka, Marc Pignitter and Barbara Lieder
[27.03.2024] Masterdefensio
[27.03.2024] Masterdefensio
We congratulate Christina Steffen on her successful Master's degree.
[20.03.2024] Lipid Legends: How do I set up my own company?
[20.03.2024] Lipid Legends: How do I set up my own company?
From lab coats to business outfits: an insight into the start-up life of Lipid Legends
See also here: https://www.uniport.at/news-detail/wie-gruende-ich-mein-eigenes-unternehmen (Article in German language)
[08.03.2024] Chemistry@UNIVIE Photo Competition 2023
[08.03.2024] Chemistry@UNIVIE Photo Competition 2023
Congratulations to Sofie Zehentner for 2nd place in the Chemistry@UNIVIE Photo Competition 2023.
„Happy Lab Life!
Welcome to the lab rollercoaster, where the highs are successful experiments and the lows, well, failed experiments, but which hopefully catapult you into successful experiments. Never forget that you are not alone on this crazy ride. So, here's to all colleagues who make lab life happier. May not only successful experiments make you happy but may you and your colleagues also make each other smile.“
[04.03.2024] Masterdefensio
[04.03.2024] Masterdefensio
We congratulate Verena Rohringer on her successful Master's degree.
[20.02.2024] Masterdefensio
[20.02.2024] Masterdefensio
Congratulations for successfully completing the Master thesis, where the work was carried out at our institute. Henna got her MSc degree from the University of Oulu, Finland, and the defense was held on 20.02.2024.
[16.02.2024] Masterdefensio
[16.02.2024] Masterdefensio
Congratulations on graduating with a Master's degree Lukas Kofler.
[13.02.2024] Masterdefensio
[13.02.2024] Masterdefensio
We congratulate Cynthia Thines on her successful Master's degree.
[18.12.2023] PhD Defensio Johanna Tiroch
[18.12.2023] PhD Defensio Johanna Tiroch
We congratulate Ms. Johanna Tiroch on her successful PhD degree and the title of Dr. rer. nat.
[30.11.23] Farewell Leila Ayatollahi
[30.11.23] Farewell Leila Ayatollahi
We say goodbye to our CTA Leila Ayatollahi, whom we let go with a heavy heart and wish her all the best for her professional future.
[10.11.2023] Masterdefensio
[10.11.2023] Masterdefensio
Congratulations on graduating with a Master's degree Anni Wu.
[10.11.2023] Masterdefensio
[10.11.2023] Masterdefensio
Congratulations on graduating with a Master's degree Georg Werjus.
[24.10.2023] Masterdefensio
[24.10.2023] Masterdefensio
Congratulations on graduating with a Master's degree to Theresa Dür.
[10.10.2023] Masterdefensio
[10.10.2023] Masterdefensio
Congratulations for successfully completing the Master thesis, where the work was carried out at our institute. Aliina got her MSc degree from the University of Oulu, Finland, and the defense was held on 10.10.2023.
[17.-20.9.2023] EuroFed Lipid Conference
[17.-20.9.2023] EuroFed Lipid Conference
Our participants from the EuroFed Lipid Conference in Poznan, Poland:
Marc Pignitter, Matthias Strauß and Arturo Auñon-Lopez
[13.09.2023] Congratulations on professorship
[13.09.2023] Congratulations on professorship
Congratulations to Barbara Lieder on her professorship at the University of Hohenheim, D, which started in September 2023.
Here is a link to the short interview of the Christian Doppler Research Association.
There are also 2 PhD positions and a post-doc position to be filled there:
[13.09.2023] vacancies:
[13.09.2023] vacancies:
We are looking for two post-docs for our institute from 04.10.23:
Details at:
The recruiting process is closed/2.11.2023
[28.08.2023] Masterdefensio
[28.08.2023] Masterdefensio
Congratulations on graduating with a Master's degree to Schmidt Jana, Füreder Julia and Aygün Soner.
[24.05.2023] DoSChem Student Symposium
[24.05.2023] DoSChem Student Symposium
July 6-7, 2023/Auer von Welsbach Hörsaal (HS1)
Register your talk or poster now!
Abstract deadline: June 2,2023
[23.05.2023] ALVA conference in Linz
[23.05.2023] ALVA conference in Linz
our speakers at the ALVA conference in Linz:
Tobias Pointner: "Analyse des Einflusses der Keimung auf Qualitätsparameter und die Haltbarkeit von Leinöl und Sonnenblumenöl"
Matthias Strauß: "Potenziell bitter-maskierende Stoffe in mit Leinpresskuchen-Polyphenolen angereichertem Leinöl".
[28.04.2023] Masterdefensio
[28.04.2023] Masterdefensio
Congratulations on graduating with a Master's degree to Amelie Klein and Elena Hinterreiter-Kern.
[22.04.2023] Vienna City Marathon
[22.04.2023] Vienna City Marathon
Our institute participants from the Vienna City Marathon on 21.04.2023.
[21.04.2023] DosChem Retreat Fürstenfeld
[21.04.2023] DosChem Retreat Fürstenfeld
The participating staff members of our institute at the DosChem Retreat in Fürstenfeld from 19-21.04.2023.
[30.03.2023] Masterdefensio Laura Stremnitzer
[30.03.2023] Masterdefensio Laura Stremnitzer
Congratulations on graduating with a Master's degree.
[28.03.2023] Masterdefensio Sebastian Stoss
[28.03.2023] Masterdefensio Sebastian Stoss
Congratulations on graduating with a Master's degree.
[24.03.2023] Masterdefensio Katja Bacovsky and Elisabeth Wachter
[24.03.2023] Masterdefensio Katja Bacovsky and Elisabeth Wachter
Congratulations on graduating with a Master's degree.
[15.03.2023] ORF Post
Copyright: David Aussenhofer/DIfE
[15.03.2023] ORF Post
More and more 100-year-olds in Vorarlberg
Whereas in 2006 25 people in Vorarlberg were 100 years old or older, the latest figure was around 60. Average life expectancy is also increasing. However, a natural limit has been reached at 120 years, says gerontologist Tilman Grune.
[07.03.2023] DosChem Call 2023
[07.03.2023] DosChem Call 2023
A PhD position is available in our institute from May 2023:
all 21 Faculty positions for Prä-Docs
How to apply
Online application by 24.04.2023
[01.03.2023] International DoSChem Exchange Program
[01.03.2023] International DoSChem Exchange Program
Congratulations to Yifan Bao for successfully obtaining travel and research funding from the International DoSChem Exchange Pgrogramme with the project title: : NMR-based Profiling of the Divestive Dynamics of Heated Olive Oil in Mice Gastrointestinal Tract"
[22.02.2023] Artikel: "Flaschen aus Bio-Plastik schützen Speiseöl vorm Ranzigwerden"
[22.02.2023] Artikel: "Flaschen aus Bio-Plastik schützen Speiseöl vorm Ranzigwerden"
Artikel im Hitradio Ö3: Flaschen aus Bio-Plastik schützen Speiseöl vorm Ranzigwerden
Auch Flaschen aus bestimmten Bio-Kunststoffen bewahren Speiseöl davor, ranzig zu werden. Das wiesen Forscher der der Uni Wien, Forschungsgruppe unter der Leitung von Ass.-Prof. Dr. Marc Pignitter nach, die konventionelle Kunststoffverpackung und zwei Bio-Kunststoffe hinsichtlich Oxidationsstabilität und Haltbarkeit von Sonnenblumenöl verglichen haben.
zum Weiterlesen
[19.01.2023] PhD Defensio Corinna Deck
[19.01.2023] PhD Defensio Corinna Deck
Congratulations to Corinna Deck on the completion of her doctoral studies on 19.01.2023.
[03.12.2022] german Article "Wie Aromen aus dem Labor unsere Sinne täuschen"
[03.12.2022] german Article "Wie Aromen aus dem Labor unsere Sinne täuschen"
The research of Univ-Prof. Dr. Barbara Lieder and her team focuses on sweetness.
German Article from 03.12.2022 in Standard ONLINE
[28.10.2022] Masterdefensio Martina Holler
[28.10.2022] Masterdefensio Martina Holler
Congratulations on graduating with a Master's degree.
[28.10.2022] Masterdefensio Andreas Gufler
[28.10.2022] Masterdefensio Andreas Gufler
Congratulations on graduating with a Master's degree.
[24.10.2022] Masterdefensio Regina Mitterecker
[24.10.2022] Masterdefensio Regina Mitterecker
Congratulations on graduating with a Master's degree.
[28.09.2022] Masterdefensio Isabella Kimmeswenger
[28.09.2022] Masterdefensio Isabella Kimmeswenger
Congratulations on graduating with a Master's degree.
[26.08.2022] We are looking für a motivated student
This master's thesis position has already been awarded.
[22.08.2022] Extraordinary Doctorate Award in Health Science
[22.08.2022] Extraordinary Doctorate Award in Health Science
JON ALBERDI CEDEÑO was awarded for his international doctoral thesis "Characterization of major and minor components of edible oils and study of their evolution during oxidation, nixtamalization and in vitro digestion processes by unconventional techniques DI-SPME-GC/MS and 1H NMR spectroscopy" under the supervision of Dr. María Dolores Guillen Loren and Dr. María Luis Ibargoitia Isasi-Isasismendi by the Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Sciences of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) with the extraordinary doctorate in Health Sciences.
related LINK
[17.08.2022] Congratulations on professorship
[17.08.2022] Congratulations on professorship
Congratulations to Jon Alberdi-Cedeño for his professorship at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), which will start in September 2022.
[27.06.2022] Award Ceremony Infographic Competition 2022
[27.06.2022] Award Ceremony Infographic Competition 2022
Congratulations to Ms. Maria Fernanda Cervantes Recalde for winning the 3rd prize at the Infographic Competition 2022 with her poster "A central role of chemoreceptors in inflammatory responses of the skin".
[21.06.2022] ÖAW Fellowship 2022 for Yifan Bao
[21.06.2022] ÖAW Fellowship 2022 for Yifan Bao
We congratulate Ms. Yifan Bao on her ÖAW fellowship.
[01.06.2022] Lecture: Healthy cooking oils? Palm oil - what's behind it?
[01.06.2022] Lecture: Healthy cooking oils? Palm oil - what's behind it?
German Lecture:
We look into the question of how healthy cooking oils and fats can be identified. What is their added health value? What strategies are there for producing healthy edible oils and fats? And what about their shelf life?
Organizer and registration at: VHS Penzing
on 01.06.2022 from 6pm to 7:30pm
Course location: VHS Penzing, Hütteldorfer Straße 112, 1140 Vienna
[27.04.2022] Masterdefensio Jana Goritschnig
[27.04.2022] Masterdefensio Jana Goritschnig
Congratulations on graduating with a Master's degree.
[22.04.2022] Masterdefensio Joachim Seitz
[22.04.2022] Masterdefensio Joachim Seitz
Congratulations on graduating with a Master's degree.
[23.02.2022] Masterdefensio Markus Rechl
[23.02.2022] Masterdefensio Markus Rechl
Congratulations on graduating with a Master's degree.
[04.02.2022] Farewell Vanessa Jalen as CTA
[04.02.2022] Farewell Vanessa Jalen as CTA
We wish her all the best for her further studies.
[27.01.2022] Lecture announcement: "Extrazelluläre Vesikel – What's-App unserer Zellen" on 16.03.2022
[27.01.2022] Lecture announcement: "Extrazelluläre Vesikel – What's-App unserer Zellen" on 16.03.2022
Agnes Mistlberger-Reiner, PhD will give a lecture (in german) on 16.03.2022 from 7pm to 8:30 pm at the Planetarium about "Extrazelluläre Vesikel – What's-App unserer Zellen". Participation is possible both live and via webinar.
The lecture is organised via the Viennese Adult Education Centres (VHS)
Registration link for the visit to the Planetarium
[14.01.2022] PhD Student Position in Analytical Food Chemistry
[27.12.2021] Article: "Why is sweet not equal to sweet?
[27.12.2021] Article: "Why is sweet not equal to sweet?
German Interview by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Barbara Lieder, head of the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Taste Research in the journal: Die Ernährung Volume 45/06.2021
The sensory profile investigates how different caloric and non-caloric substances influence sweet taste and which structural characteristics are associated with these properties.
[25.12.2021] Article: "How to live without the smell of Christmas?"
Image source: Pixabay - SilviaRita
[25.12.2021] Article: "How to live without the smell of Christmas?"
Article about smells and how they are processed in the brain. Also with Univ.-Prof. Dr. Barbara Lieder in the Kronen Zeitung, among others.
[22.12.2021] Article: ""On the international stage"
[22.12.2021] Article: ""On the international stage"
Corinna Deck, MSc talks about the sensory analysis of alternative sweeteners at the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Taste Research at the Vienna Department of Phyisiological Chemistry. The article is in German.
[06.12.2021] Article: "Bitter taste receptors can inhibit cancer"
[06.12.2021] Article: "Bitter taste receptors can inhibit cancer"
Taste receptors that perceive bitter substances on the tongue and report the aroma, which is usually unpleasant for people, to the brain also react to similar molecules on the surface of cancer cells.
Interview with Prof. Dr. Veronika Somoza and Sofie Zehetner for further reading in Standard (German)
Division Chair 'Analytics' at EuroFedLipids as of 2022
Division Chair 'Analytics' at EuroFedLipids as of 2022
We congratulate Assoz.-Prof. Dr. Marc Pignitter on his new position as Division Chair 'Analytics' at EuroFedLipids from 2022.
[26.11.2021] Masterdefensio Katharina Reif
[26.11.2021] Masterdefensio Katharina Reif
Congratulations on graduating with a Master's degree.
[26.11.2021] Masterdefensio Luisa Backes
[26.11.2021] Masterdefensio Luisa Backes
Congratulations on graduating with a Master's degree.
[11.11.2021] Article: "Taste research is very dynamic"
[11.11.2021] Article: "Taste research is very dynamic"
New professorship for Biomolecular and Integrative Physiology
INTERVIEW with Prof. Dr. Barbara Lieder
Barbara Lieder took up the professorship for Biomolecular and Integrative Physiology at the Faculty of Chemistry ion 1st October. 2021. The head of a Christian Doppler Laboratory is interested in how food substances interact with our bodies. In the interview, the researcher talks about sweet perception in the gastrointestinal tract, the influence of Corona on her work and the fascination of her subject.
[04.11.2021] Masterdefensio Victoria Vogi
[04.11.2021] Masterdefensio Victoria Vogi
Congratulations on the Master's degree.
Masterdefensio Lea Steinwender
Masterdefensio Lea Steinwender
Congratulations on the Master's degree on 28.10.2021.
[25.10.2021] Travel Scholarship for Corinna Deck
[25.10.2021] Travel Scholarship for Corinna Deck
Corinna Deck received the travel grant from the ÖFG to attend the 31st Conference of the European Chemoreception Research Organization - ECRO
XXXI - 2021" from 13 - 16.9.2021 in Cascais, Portugal.
Euro Fed Lipid Poster Award 2021
Euro Fed Lipid Poster Award 2021
Congratulations to Yifan Bao for the 2021 Euro Fed Lipid Poster Award 18.-21.10.21 for the Poster "Molecular and Biochemical Insights into the Regulation of Fatty Acid Uptake in Caco-2 Cells by Oxidized Lipids"
Poster Award for Johanna Tiroch, MSc
Poster Award for Johanna Tiroch, MSc
Congratulations to Johanna Tiroch for the Poster Award of the 1st Retreat of Panel B of DoSChem in October 2021.
[01.10.2021] Barbara Lieder takes over the professorship for Biomolecular and Integrative Physiology
[01.10.2021] Barbara Lieder takes over the professorship for Biomolecular and Integrative Physiology
We congratulate Univ.-Prof. Dr. Barbara Lieder, Privatdoz. on her new professorship for Biomolecular and Integrative Physiology at the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Vienna.
Health effects of edible oils
Pixabay - Couleur
Health effects of edible oils
Article in alexandria Magazine for Science 14. Sept. 2021
by Andreas Gufler and Marc Pignitter
This article (in German) is about the health effects of oxidising fats and how we can improve them in the future.
Oxidomics in food analysis
Oxidomics in food analysis
Analytics of lipid oxidation - is an omics approach useful?
Lipid oxidation in foods leads to sensory changes (rancidity) and the formation of degradation products, which are associated with adverse health effects. Methods to determine the extent of lipid oxidation in a product are thus of utmost importance to guarantee a safe and sensory product. New oxidomics methods allow a more complete view of the oxidation products.
from our scientists Matthias Strauß, Yfan Bao and Marc Pignitter
[12.05.2021] Article: "This story is called Sugar"
[12.05.2021] Article: "This story is called Sugar"
Article in Andererseits
"In principle, certain food ingredients can activate the reward system and there are some parallels to addictive behaviour," writes Barbara Lieder in response to our question. She does research on sweeteners at the University of Vienna at the Institute of Physiological Chemistry in the Faculty of Chemistry. She also heads the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Taste Research. Whether sugar addiction exists is scientifically disputed.
[18.05.2021] Award for best Flash presentation at the E3S Symposium for Corinna Karl
[18.05.2021] Award for best Flash presentation at the E3S Symposium for Corinna Karl
Award for Karl Corinna on 11.05.21
while participating in the 9th European Sensory Science Society (E3S) Symposium "Taste of Creativity", Corinna Karl from the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Taste Research at the Institute of Physiological Chemistry received the award for the best application and flash presentation together with another PhD student.
The flash presentations took place during the online symposium of the Finnish Society of Food Science and Technogy (ETS) and the European Sensory Science Society (E3S) on 11.05.2021. http://www.e3sensory.eu/9th-european-sensory-science-society-e3s-symposium/
In addition to current topics on sensory issues, the research work of PhD students was also presented. Corinna Karl gave an insight into the current results on "Why is sweet not just sweet? The mouthfeel specified as the changes in salivary flow and viscoelasticity after orosensory stimulation with sucrose and non-caloric sweeteners".
The persistent danger after landscape fires
Image source: Pixabay 2021/Gerd Altmann
The persistent danger after landscape fires
Press release Uni Wien media portal from March 26th, 2021
Carbonized plants contain harmful free radicals
Every year, an estimated four percent of the world's vegetated land surface burns, leaving more than 250 megatons of carbonized plants behind. For the first time, a study by the University of Vienna has now recorded elevated concentrations of environmentally persistent free radicals (EPFR) in these charcoals - in some cases even up to five years after the fire. These EPFR may generate reactive substances, which in turn harm plants and living organisms. The research team led by Gabriel Sigmund and Thilo Hofmann analyzed charcoal samples collected from forest, shrubland and grassland fires in different climatic zones. The study is published in Nature Communications Earth & Environment.
Gesunde Speiseöle und -fette
Gesunde Speiseöle und -fette
VORTRAG VHS/Planetarium am 17.3.21 ONLINE
Wir gehen der Frage nach, wie gesunde Speiseöle und -fette ausfindig gemacht werden können. Worin besteht deren gesundheitlicher Mehrwert? Welche Strategien gibt es, um gesunde Speiseöle und -fette herzustellen? Und wie steht es um deren Haltbarkeit?
Vortragender: Ass.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Pignitter, Uni Wien
Teilnahmegebühr 6€ (Mit science card gratis!)
Anmeldung und Infos unter folgenden Link
Wie satt macht Süß?
Wie satt macht Süß?
Wie hängen Energieaufnahme, Sättigungsgefühl und Süßgeschmack zusammen?
Welche Zuckerart wir zu uns nehmen, ist mitverantwortlich dafür, wie schnell wir satt sind.
Barbara Buenaventuras Interview mit Dr. Lieder Barbara, Privatzdoz. vom Christian Doppler Labor für Geschmacksforschung im National Geographic am 26.2.21
Die Zuckerseite der Gastro
Die Zuckerseite der Gastro
"Zucker löst Fett als größten Gesundheitsfeind ab - diese Botschaft findet sich immer häufiger in Studien. Low Carb könnte eine Antwort darauf sein, aber bis dato verhallt sie in der Branche. Warum ist das so?" [...]
"Frau Dr. Lieder Barbara, Privazdoz. vom Christian Doppler Labor für Geschmacksforschung sieht Potenzial in Allulose..." weiterführender Link zum Artikel von Fallstaff Profi auf Seite 54-55
Health and Nutrition Division New Investigator Research Award 2021
Health and Nutrition Division New Investigator Research Award 2021
Research award from the American Oil Chemists an Society to Marc Pignitter
Chemist Marc Pignitter receives the “2021 Health and Nutrition Division New Investigator Research Award” for his significant research work to better understand the effects of oxidized edible fats and oils on cell metabolism.
The USD 1,000 award from the American Oil Chemists' Society (AOCS), which was founded in 1909, is accompanied by an award lecture given by Marc Pignitter, Assistant Professor at the Department of Physiological Chemistry, as part of the 2021 AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo (from 3. until May 14, 2021) will keep online.
further Link to Universtity of Vienna article
Sugar sweetness makes you feel full?
Bildquelle: Pixabay/Jakob5200
Sugar sweetness makes you feel full?
What new taste research reveals
So far, little is known about the extent to which the taste perception of sugar contributes to satiety. A current study by Austrian and German scientists led by Veronika Somoza and Barbara Lieder now provides new insights into the relationships between the sweet taste of sugar, energy intake and hunger satiety regulation. The study was published in the journal "Nutrients".
Das süße Leben Geschmacksrezeptoren, Stoffwechsel, Übergewicht & Co
Das süße Leben Geschmacksrezeptoren, Stoffwechsel, Übergewicht & Co
Vortrag am 29.10.2020
In diesem Vortrag gehen wir der Frage nach, warum welche Stoffe süß schmecken und welche Auswirkungen der Konsum von süß-schmeckenden Verbindungen auf unseren Stoffwechsel hat.
Dr.in Barbara Lieder studierte Ernährungswissenschaften in Jena, Deutschland und promovierte im Fach Biologische Chemie in Wien. Sie forscht an der Uni Wien im Bereich der Geschmacksforschung und ist Autorin zahlreicher Fachartikel.
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► Die science card ist für nur 29 Euro online unter www.vhs.at, vor Ort im Planetarium sowie an allen VHS Standorten erhältlich und ermöglicht den freien Besuch von über 200 wissenschaftlichen Vorträgen pro Semester.
Wiener Forscher wollen mit neuem Verfahren Leinöl haltbarer machen
© Marc Pignitter
Wiener Forscher wollen mit neuem Verfahren Leinöl haltbarer machen
Artikel "Die Presse" vom 17.09.2020 mit Ass.-Prof. Dr. Marc Pignitter
[...] Ein Team um den Lebensmittelanalytiker Pignitter Marc vom Institut für Physiologische Chemie der Universität Wien hat nun in Zusammenarbeit mit einem niederösterreichischen Speiseölhersteller (Hagenthaler Ölmanufaktur) den herkömmlichen Produktionsweg adaptiert und ausgebaut. "So können wir letztlich ein kostengünstiges Leinöl produzieren, welches mehr gesundheitsfördernde Antioxidantien, eine längere Haltbarkeit und einen weniger bitteren Geschmack als herkömmliches Leinöl aufweist", so Pignitter. [...]
weiterführender Link zum Artikel in ""Die Presse" vom 17.09.2020 mit Ass.-Prof. Dr. Pignitter Marc
Biochemie des Alterns
(© David Aussenhofer/DIfE)
Biochemie des Alterns
Interview vom 16.07.2020 mit Prof. Grune Tilman
"Als wissenschaftlicher Direktor des Deutschen Institutes für Ernährungsforschung steht der Biochemiker GruneTilman einer Einrichtung vor, die molekulare Ursachen für ernährungsbedingte Erkrankungen ergründet. Sein persönlicher Schwerpunkt liegt in der Altersforschung. Der neue Professor der Fakultät für Chemie sucht nach Biomarkern fürs Altern und Gründen für die Eiweißablagerungen in alternden Zellen."
Sweet life – but without sugar
Sweet life – but without sugar
Redaktion (uni:view) 11.08.2020
Barbara Lieder and her team at the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Taste Research investigate the taste profiles of alternative sweeteners. Their findings could lead to a better understanding of the effect that sweetening agents have on the metabolism and help find alternatives to sugar that (also) taste good.
Jede Uni muss ihren Weg finden
(© Universität Wien/ derknopfdruecker.com)
Jede Uni muss ihren Weg finden
Redaktion (uni:view) vom 23.10.2019
Die "Third Mission", neben Forschung und Lehre die zunehmend propagierte dritte Mission von Hochschulen, stand Ende vergangener Woche im Mittelpunkt einer Tagung an der Universität Wien. Eingeladen hatten die drei Hochschulverbände des deutschsprachigen Raumes.
[...] 2016 wurde das Strategieprojekt "Third Mission der Universität Wien" eingerichtet. Für Barbara Schober, neben Veronika Somoza und Christiane Spiel für die Projektleitung verantwortlich, habe sich immer wieder gezeigt, wie leidenschaftlich das Thema diskutiert wird: Third Mission sei nicht neu, doch wenig bekannt, würde nicht systematisch umgesetzt, sei nicht vernetzt und es fehle die wissenschaftliche Begleitung: "Many voices, no canon." Hier setzte das Strategieprojekt an. [...]
weiterführender Link zum Artikel
Zuckerfrei leben: Welche Alternativen gibt es?
Zuckerfrei leben: Welche Alternativen gibt es?
"In Österreich sind mehr als 40 Prozent der Erwachsenen übergewichtig oder adipös – Tendenz steigend. Eine Ursache dafür ist der übermäßige Konsum zuckerhaltiger Speisen und Getränke. Was kann uns helfen? Am Dienstag, 3. Dezember, 18 Uhr, diskutieren dazu Ernährungswissenschafterin Lieder Barbara und Journalistin Susanne Mauthner-Weber bei NACHGEFRAGT in der Aula am Campus der Universität Wien. Das Gespräch ist offen für das Publikum und Interessierte sind eingeladen, Fragen zu stellen."
weiterführender Link zum Interview vom 19.09.2019 mit Senior Scientist Dr. Lieder Barbara
Auf den Spuren des süßen Geschmacks
(© Universität Wien/ derknopfdruecker.com)
Auf den Spuren des süßen Geschmacks
Gastbeitrag Fakultät für Chemie vom 03.10.2018
Die Wahrnehmung von Süßem wirft noch einige Fragen auf, denen sich das neue Christian Doppler Labor für Geschmacksforschung an der Fakultät für Chemie der Universität Wien stellen wird. Die offizielle Eröffnungsfeier fand am Anfang dieser Woche statt.
Rektor Heinz W. Engl begrüßte die Gäste der Eröffnungsfeier im Carl Auer von Welsbach Hörsaal und beglückwünschte Barbara Lieder vom Institut für Physiologische Chemie, Leiterin des neuen Labors, zum Einwerben der Förderung.
Neues Christian Doppler Labor an der Universität Wien
Neues Christian Doppler Labor an der Universität Wien
Artikel vom 01.10.2018 zum CDL Labor für Geschmacksforschung unter der Leitung von Senior Scientist Dr. Lieder Barbara
Am 1. Oktober eröffnet das neue Christian Doppler Labor für Geschmacksforschung unter der Leitung von Frau Dr. Lieder Barbara und ihrem Team, welches sich mit der an der Süßwahrnehmung beteiligten Rezeptoren im menschlichen Körper befasst. Diese Arbeiten können unter anderem zum besseren Verständnis der dafür relevanten Stoffe und Rezeptoren führen und somit für mehr Klarheit beim Konsumenten sorgen. Christian Doppler Labors werden von der öffentlichen Hand und den beteiligten Unternehmen gemeinsam finanziert. Wichtigster öffentlicher Fördergeber ist das Bundesministerium für Digitalisierung und Wirtschaftsstandort (BMDW).
[Zum Weiterlesen bitte anklicken]
Empfindlicher als die qPCR
Empfindlicher als die qPCR
Artikel vom März 2018 mit Senior Scientist Dr. Barbara Lieder
Fr. Dr. Lieder untersucht den Einfluss des Pfeffer-Aromastoffs trans-Pellitorin auf die Entwicklung von Fettzellen. Dazu setzt sie auch die digitale PRC ein. Im Interview mit Laborjournal erklärt sie, welche Vorteile die digitale CR gegenüber der qPCR hat.
Seite 60
[Zum Weiterlesen bitte anklicken]
Falling Walls Young Innovator 2017
Falling Walls Young Innovator 2017
Wir gratulieren Frau Reiner Agnes, PhD zum ersten Platz im internationalen Wettbewerb Falling Walls Lab 2017. In diesem Wettbewerb präsentieren Nachwuchsforscher ihre wissenschaftliche Arbeit in nur 3 Minuten für ein breitgefächertes Publikum. Eine hochkarätige Jury wählte aus 100 Finalisten aus über 50 Nationen Agnes Reiner für ihre Arbeit an der Diagnose von Eierstockkrebs zur Siegerin.
Dazu das Jungforscherportrait aus der Presse vom 3.11.2017
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