Pointner Tobias, MSc

Portrait Pointner Tobias

Scientific Career


since 09/2022
Dissertation on "Novel Strategies and Predictive Models to Enhance Food Quality" at the Institute of Physiological Chemistry, Research Group Marc Pignitter, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Vienna, Austria

2021 – 2022
Research Associate in the CT research group at University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Campus Wels, for non-destructive measurements of food products

2019 – 2021
Master's degree in food technology and nutrition at the FH Oberösterreich, Campus Wels, Austria
Master thesis: "Analysis of structural changes in beef, pork and turkey meat during freeze-drying using micro-computed tomography"

2016 – 2019
Bachelor's degree in food technology and nutrition at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Campus Wels, Austria
Bachelor thesis I: "Industry 4.0 in the food industry"
Bachelor thesis II: "Analysis of different influencing parameters on soft coating processes and a fast coating method"

Most important academic prizes/awards received:


  • Student Travel Grant award AOCS, Montreal, Canada 2024
  • DoSChem International Exchange Programme award 2024