ESR Spectrometer
ESR is the only method that can directly detect oxidative stress in cellular systems and inhuman or animal samples.
In addition to studyingthe kinetics of radical reactions, it is also possible to study metal complexes and theiroxidation state, which allows conclusions to bedrawn about enzymatic reactions. With the help of site-specific spin labeling, information about local structure and environment for individual amino acid positions in membrane proteins is obtained. Time-resolved measurements allow statements about structural changes and thus provide insight into the function of a protein. ESR also allows the study of the fluidity of biological membranes.
Assoz.-Prof. Marc Pignitter, PhD, +43 1 4277/70621
Methods & Expertise on Research Infrastructure
Detection of free radicals, determination of
antioxidant capacity, investigation of metal
complexes, measurements of oxygen consumption
(oximetry), investigations of membrane fluidity
ESR Spektrometer